Call for Graphical Abstract

DAMWORLD Young Professionals' Workshop

The DAM WORLD Young Professionals’ workshop is an event included in the Second International DAM WORLD Conference. The main goal of this event is to gather together young professionals and Ph.D. students from all over the world, offering a good opportunity for learning from each other by exchanging ideas and research experiences in a multi-cultural environment. It will be an informal meeting promoting the close interaction between the participants and helping to improve their contact networks, which might lead to valuable future collaborative work.

Young Professionals and Ph.D. students are invited to submit a graphical abstract of their ongoing work and research no later than 27/02/2015. All participants submitting a graphical abstract will be eligible for the DAM WORLD Young Professionals Award which comprises a reward of 300 euros (that is the equivalent to the value of the student DAM WORLD conference registration fee).

General characteristics of the Workshop

- Small size Session, allowing personal interaction and an opportunity for all to speak. It will be small enough so that everyone can have an opportunity to have their questions answered and to get some individual attention from the session moderator, but still large enough to generate some lively discussion.
- Designed for people who are working or conducting research on dams, the session will be organized in topics related to all submitted graphical abstracts.
- Workshop is participatory, i.e. participants are active, influencing the direction of the discussion.
- Active and dynamic participation under an informal discussion.
- Medium-length session (about 180 minutes including a 30 min coffee break) limited to a single session, which is enough to begin addressing ideas and concepts in some depth.
- The workshop is open to senior professionals and researchers willing to participate in the discussion.




Additional information

For additional information please contact:
• Ricardo Santos - +351-218443341
• Ivo Dias +351-218443985