Call for Papers

How to Submit Papers and Abstracts for the Second International DAM WORLD Conference


Templates to assist authors preparing their Extended Abstracts and Full Papers are available in the Conference webpage.
All Papers and Abstracts packages should be submitted electronically by using the MSWord (DOC) or OpenDocument (ODT) templates available in the corresponding “ZIP” package (each containing four files).
Please, choose the most convenient option for you:

Option one: Microsoft Word DOCument (“DOC” format)

Download “ZIP” package containing templates in “DOC” format
“ZIP” file contains:
- Extended Abstract template in “DOC” format
- Extended Abstract template in “PDF” format
- Full Paper template in “DOC” format
- Full Paper template in “PDF” format


Option two: Open Document Text file (“ODT” format)

Download “ZIP” package containing templates in “ODT” format
“ZIP” file contains:
- Extended Abstract template in “ODT” format
- Extended Abstract template in “PDF” format
- Full Paper template in “ODT” format
- Full Paper template in “PDF” format


*Important information

- ZIP Package: During the submission procedure you will be requested to provide a similar “ZIP” package containing four files (“DOC” or “ODT” and “PDF” versions of your Full Paper and Extended Abstract). Please, read carefully the next submission instructions that you should follow during your submission procedure.
- File names: The names of the files to submit should include the surname of the first author and follow the next structures:
- Extended Abstract files :
dw2015_abs_authorsurname.doc (or .odt)
- Full Paper files:
dw2015_paper_authorsurname.doc (or .odt)
- “ZIP” package file:
- Language: Extended Abstracts and Full Papers must be written in English.
- Maximum documents length:
- Extended Abstract – 1 page and 2300 characters.
- Full Paper – 10 pages.
- Maximum size of the ZIP Package: 20 MB (due to submission limitations).

Submission instructions

Submission of Extended Abstracts and Full Papers for the Second International DAM WORLD Conference will be performed through the online conference management system “”. This easy-use management system allows authors to submit, perform modifications and verify the review status of the submission.

In order to submit the ZIP package the following steps should be performed.

  1. Create your easychair account in:
    (if you already have an easychair account, jump over this step)
  2. After you complete your sign-up procedure, log in to the easychair conference webpage:
  3. In the easychair conference webpage click in “New Submission” (in the upper-left corner)
  4. In the submission webpage you will find the following titles:
    1. Authors - Provide the authors details and don’t forget to mark the corresponding author.
    2. Title, Abstract and Other Information –Provide the title of the paper and include the Extended Abstract in plain text:
    3. Keywords – Provide a list of keywords (at least three and a maximum of six).
    4. TopicsSelect the main Themes and Topics related to your paper. This information will help us in including your paper in the proper session and in selecting subject expert reviewers.
    5. Upload PaperHere you should upload the “ZIP” package containing four files:
    6. 1- Extended Abstract in “DOC” or “ODT”
      2- Extended Abstract in “PDF”
      3- Full Paper in “DOC” or “ODT”
      4- Full Paper in “PDF”
    7. Ready? – If you provide the entire previous information click submit.
  5. Once you have submitted your contribution, you will be redirected to the information page for your paper. Here, you are able to update information about your paper (authors, abstract, etc) or submit a new version of the zip package containing the abstract and paper. These update options can also be accessed afterwards by using your easychair account.

How to Submit Papers and Abstracts for the Second International DAM WORLD Conference (pdf)